Thursday, November 29, 2012

I made it ~

 I finally made it!! I made it onto the Shepherd's Bush Blog.

I probably need to give you a little background as to why this is blog post worthy. Back about 25, or more, years ago when I was first getting into Cross Stitching I quickly found out the closest real cross stitch shop was Shepherd's Bush in Ogden. I fell in love with the store and their style of stitching. I've stitched many of their charts and we've stopped at the shop many times on our way to vacations (with the family patiently waiting in the car while Mom shopped) to get more goodies. As I became a designer of my own company I have gotten to know Teri and Tina better and still love visiting their cute little shop.

This fall at their retreat I took my new Christmas ornament chart, Poinsettia Sampler. They loved it, and have stitched a model for their shop and it is featured on their blog today.
Here is the picture from their blog. Mine is on the bottom right. We might need to run to Ogden and check this out in person.

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