Saturday, February 7, 2009

Kitchen Remodel Step 1 ~

I guess this is the official start of the kitchen remodel project. We took down the cupboards above the bar this morning. Doesn't it really open it up? We are still deciding on final plans, but the list is started. This won't be a done in a couple of weeks job. Not al all. This will be a we hope (and will be really pleased if) it is done by Christmas. I didn't really lose a lot of cupboard space, I just made better use of what space I do have. We will get another cabinet to put on the wall on the right. Since we will be redoing the floor and countertops too, we might switch things around and do an island. Of course I need a pot hanger, because they are just really cool. So keep checking back about once a month for further updates. The row of cupboards that came down, will be moved down to the laundry room to replace the little shaky shelves that are in there now.

1 comment:

  1. good luck on the remodel. it will be great when it is done. Christmas is not really too far away.
