Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Pictures from the weekend ~
We had a little bit of company this weekend. Leslie and her boys were here on their way to college visits for Spring Break. Gus loved the boys and didn't seem to mind Kevin playing with his ears. There was lots of basketball watching, eating, piano playing. (Yes he was playing a real song laying on his back at the piano.) These boys are amazing pianists. It was a real treat to listen to them. I think Gus misses them. I should have gotten a picture of the kids standing up, but then Gus would have been too short to get in the picture.
I got to spend Saturday morning at a Dog Breeding Seminar. It was so interesting and kind of fun to be learning something. I think sometime down the road we will start the Bridge Creek Basset Hound Kennel. It won't be a big thing, but something fun do enjoy as a family. Bassets Hounds are such fun family pets.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Cute Stuff ~
I've found that the best place to get feedback about cute stuff is on my blog. So here is my latest cute project. Michelle and I did 7 of these on Saturday for the Relief Society Birthday Social this week. I'm working on another cute thing this afternoon. They are awards for the dinner on Thursday, but I can't share them, because there is a slim chance, well probably none at all, that someone that will be there actually reads my blog. Have a fun and crafty day, hope it is actually sunny and springy where you are!
Monday, March 8, 2010
Totally Random Post ~
Well maybe this post isn't totally random, the pictures all have a common theme. They are all about our grand daughters. We love it when they come to town. Our regular routine gets thrown out the window and we just take time to enjoy them. Saturday it was warm enough, (ok it got up to 39', but that is warm here) for Rod to get some trim painted and Kymber got to "help" a little bit. Sydni wanted to help too and was headed outside barefoot to play in the gutter. Her Mom quickly got her redirected inside to help us. Isn't she a cutie with her little blond pigtails.
Michelle and I worked on centerpieces for a Relief Society Dinner Thursday night. I'll get a picture of them to share. They are pretty cute.
This picture of little Sydni is from a week or so ago. She is such a BUSY little girl and this grandma was so glad she slowed down enough to fall asleep. When they come over their favorite thing to do is play with Gus. And he loves it. As long as they stand up and are taller than he is they get along just great. He puts up with everything they dish out and comes back for more. Kymber is basicly the boss, she puts him in his kennel when she is done playing with him and she will randomly decide when he needs to go to the backyard and bosses him around until he gets there. If talking doesn't work, she gets ahold of his collar and pulls him to the door and pushes his little fanny outside. Of course she makes sure he gets plenty of dog treats so all is good.